Friday, March 19, 2010

Awesome Religious Leader Alert!

The Reverend Welton Gaddy, Executive Director of the Interfaith Alliance, was on Rachel Maddow last night. They had a good discussion about religion and politics, and the degree that the two of those mix, and why that mix is a problem. Of course they talked about the C Street House, which is one of Rachel's pet issues, but they also began their chat with a little bit of Stupak. Rev. Gaddy said things I have never heard a male person say in my life:

MADDOW: What do you make of Congressman Stupak on this health reform issue of his, saying that he doesn‘t listen to nuns, he only listens to bishops when it comes to abortion rights?

GADDY: Well, it sounds very much like a male authoritarian point of view, doesn‘t it? I don‘t know whether this is all about politics or all about religion. Either way, it doesn‘t work. It‘s bad politics. It‘s bad religion. When a man takes up on himself the authority that lets him tell a woman how she can handle her own body, what she can do and do with it, I get very suspicious about the audacity of that man.

Thank you Dr. Gaddy. The fact that a male religious leader in a mainstream Christian denomination (he's a Baptist) can articulate that point of view gives me hope for the world.

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